At the Vicenzo Leather office, we have the privilege of thinking of handbags as a fun thing, but for a large number of women, the bag they interact with the most is the one they haul back and forth to work. In many cases, that bag needs to carry a packed lunch and beyond, and it needs to be discreet enough to fly under the radar of snooping coworkers who like to count other people's money. That's quite a tall order.
In some of those cases, a large tote bag just isn't the answer--either you end up carrying too much junk, making it too heavy to make sense for pure functionality, or anything practical.
So our designers developed one of the most classic satchels you will ever see – The Infinity Leather Handbag. Timeless till the end of time. It is large enough to carry just the essentials without being overly exaggerated. It comes with double top handles and just a fun piece of art and design.
Supple, slouchy and finished in burnish leather. A true classic.